Layla Siraj
Layla earned her undergraduate degree from Harvard University in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology with a focus on Population Genetics in 2016, along with minors in Economics and French. Following graduation, she entered the Harvard-MIT MD-PhD program.
After completing her first two years of medical training at the Health Sciences and Technology program between Harvard Medical School and MIT, she began her PhD in the Harvard Biophysics program, where she was advised by Dr. Eric Lander (Broad Institute) and Dr. Hilary Finucane (Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital). Layla’s research focuses on uncovering the architecture of non-coding regulatory regions.
Layla defended her PhD in February of 2023 and is now finishing her clinical studies at Harvard Medical School and applying to Obstetrics and Gynecology residency programs. She recently joined the Edlow lab, where she is interested in using genomic techniques to explore changes in the placental immune landscape and genetic programs.